Dec 30, 2011

Warm & Yummy by Philosophy

There's nothing like a hot shower or warm, soothing bath to wash away a long, stressful day. Philosophy seems to specialize in bath products that do just that. 

I'm a total sucker for their deliciously sweet and indulgent smelling shower gels. I've got a huge sweet tooth and any form of fudge cake, birthday cake, or cinnamon bun will do.

Lately though, I've been using a shower gel that makes me more interested in sitting by campfire near toasting marshmallows rather than having an insatiable desire to eat said marshmallows. Philosophy's winter bath treats smell divine and make you feel like your bathing in a log cabin in the woods. Happy by the Fire and Glow and Behold are both gentle, creamy and fragrant bath and shower gels that totally enhance your cleansing experience. 

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